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President's Blog

The University President, Dr. E. Joseph Savoie, periodically posts blogs and email messages to the University community and the public about important University relations, developments, and updates.

Read his most recent blogs below and subscribe to receive all updates.

President's Blog

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    Welcome Students — August 22, 2011

    Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Thu, 08/11/2011 - 2:28pm

    Dear Students,

    It is my privilege to welcome you back to campus today and wish you all good luck as you begin this new academic year. I hope that you are ready for and excited about the promise of a new semester and all of the successes, growth, and memories it will bring.  As you begin the semester, it is important that you get organized and get to know your professors and classmates.  Most importantly, go to class.  Attending class is your best guarantee for a successful semester.

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    Campus Updates

    Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Wed, 02/09/2011 - 11:16am

    Dear Faculty, Staff & Students,

    The Spring 2011 semester is well under way and our campus is filled with activity.  I appreciate this opportunity to briefly update you on a few initiatives and issues that may be of interest.

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    November 1, 2010 — Progress

    Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Mon, 11/01/2010 - 5:15pm

    Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

    I am pleased to inform you that the university has secured necessary approvals to proceed with two important projects that are prominent recommendations of our 2009-2014 University Strategic Plan.

    These projects will build new residence halls, improve existing student housing and renovate and expand our Student Union.  The result will be an invigorated campus climate intended to help more students achieve their goal of earning an academic degree.
