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Stay Diligent as Semester Nears Its End

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Tue, 11/10/2020 - 3:27pm

Dear students, faculty and staff members,

In recent days, we have seen an uptick in the number of students reporting positive COVID-19 test results. This unfortunate trend mirrors the rising number of cases in Acadiana, across Louisiana and throughout the nation.

Some of these cases at the University are in the School of Music and Performing Arts and include members of the marching band and a number of ensembles. Out of an abundance of caution, and to limit the virus’ potential spread, the school has suspended all on-campus music-making activities for 14 days.

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Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Wed, 10/28/2020 - 4:36pm

Dear students, faculty and staff members,

Election Day is this Tuesday, Nov. 3. Every four years, American voters hold in their hands the most sacred and precious responsibility a democracy affords – a ballot.

If you took advantage of early voting opportunities, thank you. If your plan is to vote in person on Tuesday, please do so. The University will announce soon what it’s doing to ensure you have time to make your voice heard and your vote count.

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Welcome Back!

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Mon, 08/17/2020 - 3:09pm

Dear students,

I hope your fall semester is off to a great start!

Mine is. I spent this morning among my favorite people as I helped greet you and other returning students, faculty and staff members along Rex Street and St. Mary Boulevard.

This welcome back event is something we do at the start of every academic year, and it’s always filled with excitement, energy and a sense of anticipation about all the incredible opportunities a new semester holds. This morning was no exception.

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We’re Prepared for Your Safe Return

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Tue, 07/28/2020 - 9:08am

Dear students,

The Fall 2020 semester begins Aug. 17, and we’re looking forward to welcoming you back.

We’ve used the past few months to prepare for your homecoming. Our extensive and careful planning reflects the unwavering priority we place on your health and safety.

Some of you will return physically to campus to take classes or to live in residence halls. Others have enrolled in remote and online courses that empower you to select what instruction option best fits your needs.

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Our Actions Can Build a More Inclusive University

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Fri, 06/12/2020 - 3:45pm

Dear faculty, students, staff members, alumni and friends,

Our University has a long and deliberate history of diversity and inclusion.

But we have, as a nation and as an institution, reached a moment in which simply pointing to the past without pledging ourselves to improving the future is insufficient. This history would be hollow if we failed to reaffirm our commitment to racial equity and social justice through meaningful action.

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Students Lead the Way Toward Reconciliation

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Sun, 05/31/2020 - 2:23pm

Dear members of the University family,

George Floyd. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. Tony McDade. 

Their tragic deaths – and those of countless others – are reminders that our nation has much work to do to address discrimination, intolerance and other inexcusable barriers to social justice that have burdened us for far too long.

Universities are a place where that work can occur. Indeed, they are a place where it must occur.

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Prepared to Define the Future

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Wed, 05/20/2020 - 3:22pm

On Friday, the University graduated the largest and most diverse class in our 122-year history, capping an unprecedented semester in momentous fashion.

We conferred 1,905 degrees, an all-time high for a single semester. Women received 1,173 of those diplomas; that’s nearly 62 percent of the total graduating class and yet another record. Eighty-eight degrees were awarded to Hispanic graduates, the most ever.

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A Moment for Gratitude

Dr. Joseph Savoie -- Tue, 04/07/2020 - 2:17pm

Dear students, faculty and staff members,

The month of March witnessed immense changes across our campus and in the lives of most members of the University family.

We cannot yet anticipate fully what April might hold as the world continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19.

In uncertain times such as these, it is important to catalogue the things for which we are grateful. It is equally as essential to thank those special individuals whose mere presence – even from a socially appropriate distance – offers the comfort and support we all need right now. 


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